How Do I SEO In 2021

A. Z. M Mahadi Hasan
5 min readAug 7, 2021


How To Do SEO For Beginners In 2021

How To Do SEO For Beginners

Whether you’re a website owner or a newbie in the blogging field, it’s a requirement to learn the How-To of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) if you want your online content to be indexed on page 1 and drive a surge of Free “Targetedorganic traffic from the predominant search engines, namely Google!

So what topics will be discussed within my “How To” step-by-step lessons?

Basically, everything you need to know on the subject and how to easily put it in to effect, from a beginner’s standpoint for your massive success on the innerweb! — Learning the basics, really is “kid’s stuff!”

What Is SEO & How Does It Work?

If you hadn’t already guessed, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization!

It is a process of enhancing the visibility of any web-page or image on your website or blog in the Free natural search engine results. But for your content to actually receive search visitors, it must “earn” first page rankings from Google, Bing, and Yahoo engines.

SEO is both, a science and an art combined into one, that consists of a series of techniques and strategies to help boost your page rankings. But it’s all down to the search engine’s secret “Algorithms”, that really determine the outcome!

So how do your articles stand a good possibility of making the front-page news?

Here are “5 key” principles:

  1. Locating & Implementing “Low hanging fruit” keywords
  2. Write perfect and quality content.
  3. Do interlinking with your related content.
  4. Creating visitor “engagement”
  5. Building “trust” with Google

I will show you exactly how I, personally execute the 5 principles and how you can apply them to your own website or blog…

1: How To Locate & Implement Keywords

Your journey begins with keyword research! Inserting keywords in to your content, play a crucial role in ranking your posts and pages in the search results because they will generate traffic and revenue for you, depending on whether your content is on page 1!

The amount of traffic is determined by the number of searches performed through the search engines for a specific “keyword phrase.” Some keyword can generate 100 hits per month for your site.


You must identify a “low hanging fruit”, also discussed to as a “low competition” longtail keyword that creates some traffic and rises the comeback to your first-page ranking.

Use the Jaaxy Keyword Tool to receive 30 Free searches, and root out your first keyword (with easy-to-follow video training provided), below:

If your content is to be properly indexed accordingly, and for the keyword to be clearly visible within your content to the people who are searching for it; apply the following steps.


Create the title of your article, using the keyword phrase, and learn to be a little creative! For example:


Aim to insert the keyword, preferably within the first sentence or paragraph of the article.


People also search Google for images, so always ensure to add the keyword to the main “Featured” article image because it’s an additional opportunity for more organic traffic!

For this example, I will show you how to insert a keyword in to a WordPress blog image.

2: How To Publish Quality Content Online

In order to write quality website or blog content for your visitors, there are a few things to bare mind.

  • Write for the benefit of “people” (your readers), and NOT for the sake of the search engines
  • Talk to people in a friendly fashion, as though you’re holding real conversations
  • Offer value by sharing solutions to people’s problems
  • Aim to create 1,000+ word articles, offering plenty of meat on the bone — (Content is King, in Google’s eyes!)
  • Be a unique writer and throw in your personality
  • Present the facts and also offer your own thoughts and opinions
  • Do your research before writing! Search question & answer sites, forums, Wikipedia, YouTube and other invaluable resources for unlimited topics to discuss, and inspiration too
  • Refrain from ranting, being too over-opinionated, and using vulgar language because it will only land you in deep hot water, my friend! AND you won’t deserve to make money on the internet! LOL

3: How To Create Natural Internal Links & Why They’re Important

Creating an Internal Hyperlink is a very quick, simple and painless procedure, especially when it comes to WordPress! I have published a step-by-step tutorial article on creating links in WordPress, and you can apply the same lessons to any other blogging platform or website you wish!

“Natural” internal linking is an important factor when it comes to SEO, and internal website links also serve a number of different important purposes:

  1. They help the search engines to crawl your site easier
  2. They spread link juice (if they’re natural), giving your site and articles higher page rankings
  3. Your visitors have more invaluable information at their fingertips
  4. People find your site easier to navigate, and stay longer too
  5. You create a strong bond with your visitors, and they trust you more
  6. The increased likelihood of new email subscribers, sales, and revenue

4: How To Create Visitor Engagement

Engaging with your website or blog visitors is “a piece of cake”, and there a few various ways in which you can do this for extra SEO ranking power, and to build trust with your readers…

  1. Plant seeds in people’s minds and ask them questions
  2. Always ask your readers for their feedback at the end of your content
  3. Ensure to reply to all comments within a 24-hour period
  4. Provide “in-depth” replies to comments — (Write each comment with at least 50 words or more)
  5. Transform your comment thread in to a live “community” that keeps evolving

Engagement is highly important because comments actually form part of your content “word count”, so the more words there are, the higher rankings your content will receive. Happy Days! Is that cool or what?

5: How To Bond With Google (The Big G)

To form a strong long-lasting relationship with Google for higher rankings, and to keep things sweet with other search engines, you clearly apply and stick to the 4 principles above.

  1. Target low competition keywords (that make sense) to create articles on
  2. Publish good quality and fresh content on a weekly basis
  3. Add internal links within your content to other articles on your site
  4. Alter your content in to dynamic societies

Here’s a few extra tactics you can introduce, that will help Google love to blossom

  1. Socially share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest
  2. Add your website to your social profiles for more traffic — (Google also loves website popularity)
  3. If you do have a Google Plus account, then declare yourself as a “contributor to” your website
  4. If you’re an Affiliate Marketer; keep your Affiliate links and banners to a “bare minimum” within your content

Become a Free member of Wealthy Affiliate today, to learn more about leveraging the phenomenal power of Search Engine Optimization to build a lucrative business online!

Do you have any questions or feedback you wish to share on how to do SEO for beginners? Please let me know your opinion.



A. Z. M Mahadi Hasan

Hi there! My name is A.Z.M Mahadi Hasan and I am a founder of Here you can learn eco friendly life, sustainability, , and so on.