How I Add Links to Facebook Stories for Free In 2021

A. Z. M Mahadi Hasan
4 min readAug 8, 2021


How to Add Links to Facebook Stories for Free In 2021

How I Add Links to Facebook Stories for Free?

Are you looking for a solution about how to add links to Facebook stories, then I have to say that you are in the right place? Today I am going to share this thing properly.

previously we have discussed how to add URLs in Instagram Stories, right now we will discuss the ways how to add URLs in Facebook Stories.

If you want to add a URL to Facebook Stories then Follow these 6 Steps, then you can easily do add any link.

  1. Copy your Website URL.
  2. Just open your Facebook homepage.
  3. Create a normal post on Facebook.
  4. Click on the share button.
  5. After clicking the share button, you will get options. One is Newsfeed and 2nd is Your story.
  6. Finally, you have to select Your story and click on the share now button.

How can you add Facebook Story to your personal accounts?

First of all, you have to add the link that you want to add on your personal account:

Keep it in your mind that you have to add the actual URL link that you to add to your Facebook account, but you should not add the content from your Facebook page.

Later on, clicking the “share” button, you have to select “Share to Your Story”.

Now, you can find the URL widget in the customization story of the Facebook story. At this time, you can edit your story layout as you want and then you can share it.

When you will publish your story, the people will be able to see the URL widget.

At this time, people can find the URL If you add links to Facebook Stories from your personal account. But you can find the alternative way that you have found in the comment section below!

Here is a question, how can people find your story from your Facebook pages?

Actually, there is no precondition in Facebook for adding URLs in the Facebook stories like Instagram where you need at least 10,000 followers if you want to add links in the Stories of your page. But 10,000 fans are needed for Facebook when you want to customize the URL.

If you have less than 10,000 fans on your Facebook pages then click the URL icon of the menu on the right-hand side:

Here, you will be able to see the different types of Call to Action (CTA) buttons, as for example “Call Now”, ‘Get Directions” etc. Then you got to choose the “Learn More” button to add URL widgets to your Story. Keep it in your mind that you can add the only URL which is your website-based page link.

That means it is no issue how many Facebook stories you had published in your page, but the mandatory thing is that the only addable URL which is from your website that you have fixed in the contact settings in your page.

If you have more than 10,000 fans in your Facebook pages then the workflow will be unique for the pages which have less than 10,000 fans.

There is only one difference that you can customize the link for the embedded URL widget. This can provide you the full freedom to add the different types of URLS for every Facebook stories of your page.

We are ready to test when the verified pages which can be approved with less than 10,000 are able to add the customized URLs for their Facebook Stories. If you know the answer please share your opinion without any hesitation in the comment section below.

If you use the paid ads then it can be another way to add customized links in Facebook Stories. But we will discuss it in another article for those who are interested to add URLs for free.

Are there any secret tips in your mind on how to set URLs in Facebook Stories? And also, what’s the experience of using Facebook Stories? You can share your answer or opinion in the comment section below!

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A. Z. M Mahadi Hasan

Hi there! My name is A.Z.M Mahadi Hasan and I am a founder of Here you can learn eco friendly life, sustainability, , and so on.